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A Gift Called Michelle  by Barbara Desrochers

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This book is a heartwarming story of the life of Michelle. It is an informative and inspirational story of hope for families who have a child with a disability. In this compelling journey through the prejudices of the medical community, a near death experience and coping with a chronically sick child,
you experience the sorrow and joy felt by the family.

For the first ten years, Michelle lived on steroids, antibiotics, inhalers, and the breathing machine. Now, after glyconutritional supplements, Michelle is no longer ADHA, has lost all of the asthma related symptoms, has been on the honor roll for the past three and half years, along with remarkable physical changes associated with Down syndrome.

The four center pages are in color and contain 10 photos highlighting some of Michelle's life. This enables the reader to actually see the changes taking place in this young lady's life!

A fantastic book to share with people who need to not only hear but see what glyconutritionals can do.
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